
Soon the curtain will come to a close on our communication class. As I attempt to overcome separation anxiety disorder already setting in with the very thought of no longer  getting to sift through meanings and psychological arguments construed through the subtle context of media, I look back and fondly remember the good, the bad and the ugly that filled my morning every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

First, I want to look forward to the remaining two classes. I personally would love to further discuss video games. I found the propaganda article written by our very own Dr. Delwiche. I find this the newest emergence in media and find the idea very intriguing. I especially am fond of the idea of further looking at how the change in realism in video games themselves and how newer “immersive” gameplay affects the player as a whole. Regardless of the topic we choose to study the next few days, I am sure that it will be interesting to say the least.

Looking back to our old readings, I really would like to say almost any reading dealing with our 

Imageclass topic- Transhumanism- was my favorite. I really enjoyed them. The fictional story of  Spider Jerusalem and his reporting of events in a crazy world immersed in the future technologies we discussed throughout class was fun and interesting. I enjoy the future, almost dystopian ideas that the author brings forth. I always love watching Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind, but it was even better to rewatch with a mind on the future technologies and a critical eye. Even “Will We have Computer Chips in Our Heads?”  By William Gibson with his ideas about future technologies was very eye opening and interesting. These articles and the very theme of Transhumanism throughout the semester made this class a joy to come into three times a week.

With every good the must of course be a bad; thus is the nature of life. I HATED THE DICK READING. Don’t misunderstand me here- film analysis is extremely interesting and I did take a class in high school about it. But going back through the whole course and referencing “Film, Space, and Image” throughout the semester -when the knowledge I felt was well contained in my head was guiding me- truly frustrated me. With that being said, the knowledge contained in that reading was infinitely useful and if not for my pre-existing knowledge requiring me to reference him, I would have been much happier with the reading as a whole. In summation, I knew the information in my head and then I had to go back and find the exact pages where he said something about shots, angle, etc…

Overall, I feel that this course has brought together many of my separated idea’s and thoughts about subtlety, commercialism, advertisement, television, etc… and brought them together for a great experience that I will be able to take with me in future classes and even into a career someday.



Back to the future, I am excited to move forward from this class. I definitely will revisit communications later in my college career. Unfortunately, next semester is filled with Science and Political Science. Much to my chagrin, my schedule is looking far too full to fit in a Comm. Course for fun. I am happy to say my common curriculum courses are complete (say that three times fast) and I can move forward fulfilling my major and requirements for graduate school. With all that off my chest, I hope you have a great summer!


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